Archery is our passion and our life.

Take a minute and cruise through our site. We offer archery news, contests, and archery equipment that will get you shooting like a pro in no time! 

Archers USA provides a support system for new and seasoned archers across the world!

Our reach is anyone interested in pursuing the archery lifestyle. We encourage local non-profits, schools, private entities, and overall sponsorships to get involved in their communities with archery.  Learn More.

At Archers USA, we live and breathe all things archery. Our goal is to make any new archers successful in their first experience with archery and to reduce less successful instinctive shooting process.  Dale Morrell, the founder of Archers USA, has spent thirty years as an archery industry leader as the owner of Morrell Targets and has developed an understanding that successful archers equal more smiles, confidence, pride, and self-esteem, which, ensures a much longer life as an archer.

“I pledge to do everything in my power to assist our youth in everything they need to become accurate lifelong archers.” -Dale Morrell



Our team is committed to the pursuit of archery!

Dale Morrell, Founder Archers USA

 Dale Morrell



Shanna Bourne, <br>Director

Shanna Bourne